Friday, 3 June 2011

Deal or no deal

Trading on betfair brings us many ups and downs, as does life in general, recently I have been reading a few self help/ personal development books, and I can safely say that I feel empowered from reading them, the glass is now more than half full for sure, you may even say it was overflowing- sometimes.

Trading is going well, I have realised that my forecasts for my bank size for this year are totally unacceptable and I am now happy and content with the consistent daily profits I managed to turn out, I have set myself a long term goal on a spreadsheet to allow me to 'focus on where I'm going'.

One quick points, Jack at STJ has started doing a video diary, every couple of days, to document how the markets are each day, I am not a subscriber of his service and I am very much looking for to see what he has to offer once the three month free journey is over. PS in his first Vid he mentions a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad, think I might go and check it out.......


  1. A few years ago I was on a mission to better my mind and thinking in terms of money and finances. As part of that I read a series of books including Rich Dad Poor Dad, Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, Think and Grow Rich, Your Money or Your Life and a few others. The combination of all these books and how they changed my thinking had a profound effect on my life...last year I left my 9 to 5 job working for a company and now have various incomes all controlled by myself. So pleased that I did this!

    I would recommend these books and working on your mind to anyone!

  2. Just read Secrets of the millionaire mind, it was so good I am reading it again, but thanks for the advice I will move onto the others.


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