Get the best training in the industry from our experienced experts.
Training Courses
Come and learn with us in our City of London training facility. We have state of the art equipment and internet services, and run a variety of trading software packages. Learn at a speed that's suitable for you, with group and individual training packages available. Watch the sporting event live and see how the professionals read the event, how the market reflects the live action, and how to predict the market movements.
Home Learning (Webinars)
If you can't personally attend our centre, we have the latest communications technologies to enable you to learn from the comfort of your own home. Join us on scheduled 'webinars' (interactive seminars over the web) or arrange for individual tuition via Skype or phone. Give us a call to talk over the best solution for you.
Fast internet connection highly recommended for web tuition.
Fast internet connection highly recommended for web tuition.
Nice site. Come check my soccer picks at: