Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The shackles are off

For the last two days trading I have been trying something a little different front the norm, I haven't been stopping                      trading each race once I have made my 2-3 scalp trades, I have instead been trying to maximise my profit,  yesterday was a really good day as my profit was £40.65 even though   £9.50 of that came from the Betfair crash could have been worse but personally I would prefer it if betfair just voided the whole market as I'm sure there would have been some losers as well, but then where would they there commission from for the ONE SINGLE market(greedy they are). Anyway back on the subject of trading, today have been similar, I have been trading more freely, at times I have found myself at -£2 with a few minutes to go but managed to turn it around for a quid or so profit, I think to avoid the bigger losses with my new £10 stake I will have to be a bit more patient and wait until the volume is increased and the market is formed and stable( as much as it ever is).
I withdrew £33 yesterday as I wanted the money and didn't want to see it wasted by me having a 'moment' a blowing it (self trust and self belief is not there yet), I will do the same today and let my bank increase a few percent at the same time. Until next time ... keep it green

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    Looks like you are making some good progress! I have been reading your blog for a while and I like it, would you want to exchange blogroll links?

    Mine is: http://sportstradinglife.com/

    Let me know and I will add you to mine


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