Sunday 6 February 2011

A day of two halves

I got to my pc later than normal today, missed a couple of the early races, by four o'clock I had worked up to a £5 profit, but come the 4 o'clock race I messed it up completely and I had a red of £2.50, I think it was me being over confident and looking at things that are not there and hoping, more than analysing the markets, hoping they would go up that is, but never mind, I would of liked a bit more out of the day but green is green and that's got to be a good thing.
One thing I will say about weekend horse race markets,

  • Saturday- Full of big money bettors and traders, 
  • Sunday-  Feels like this is a beginners day and everyone is new like me and constantly fighting over the scraps to make bit of cash.
Anyway tomorrow is the start of a new week and lets look forward to the green run continuing.

Keep it green

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